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Beijing Agricultural Food Synthetic Biological Manufacturing Industry Conference was held in Pinggu

Beijing Agricultural Food Synthesis Biological Manufacturing Industry High -quality Development Conference was held.Ma Pingchuan Photo
Beijing Agricultural Food Synthesis Biological Manufacturing Industry High -quality Development Conference was held.Ma Pingchuan Photo
China News Service, Beijing News, June 23 (Guo Yingting) Beijing Agricultural Food Synthesis Biological Manufacturing Industry High -quality Development Conference was held on the 22nd at the Jinhai Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center in Pinggu, Beijing.Beijing agricultural food synthetic biological innovation incubators, Beijing biological manufacturing food risk assessment and compliance guarantee common technology platforms, including the unveiling of the opening start.
The conference was sponsored by the Beijing Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Management Committee, and the People’s Government of Pinggu District of Beijing. The theme of “Synthetic creatures, intelligent manufacturing the future” was set up.A total of more than 200 people attended the conference.
Accelerate the layout of synthetic creatures in the future
In recent years, synthetic biology has been recognized as the third biotechnology revolution after the discovery of “DNA dual spiral structure” and “human genome plan”. Biological manufacturing is also regarded as the key to promoting the “fourth industrial revolution”strength.According to the forecast of the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD), by 2030, the scale of related industries will reach 35%of the global industrial production value.High -quality, high -efficiency, green and sustainable biological manufacturing has become a new track for innovation racing in major countries in the world. Its future industrial development is also a new position for all parties to compete.
Xu Xinchao, deputy secretary -general of the Beijing Municipal Government, said in his speech that as an international science and technology innovation center, Beijing attaches great importance to the synthetic biological manufacturing industry. The agricultural food field is an important application scenario of synthetic biology.Seizing the opportunity of synthetic biological development and forward -looking layout to cultivate and strengthen the integrated biological manufacturing industry of agricultural food. It is an important direction for Beijing Heping Valley to seize the future industrial development opportunities and accelerate the development of new productivity, which is highly consistent with the high -quality development of the capital.
As the main position of the construction of Zhongguancun in agriculture, Pinggu District has gathered a number of key universities and scientific research institutions, large -scale enterprises research and development headquarters and innovative technology enterprises in the field of synthetic biological manufacturing.Essence
According to Liu Ye, the deputy head of Pinggu District, the development of the biological manufacturing industry in Pinggu District will combine the construction of Zhongguancun in agriculture, adhere to the principle of “differentiation, characteristics, and high -end”, and use the advantages of innovative resources in existing biological breeding, nutritional health and other fields.Focus on the development and application of synthetic biology in the field of agriculture, food, and nutrition, accelerate the construction of a synthetic biological manufacturing innovation ecosystem and industrial system with “basic layers of innovation breakthrough, platform layer empowerment transformation, and application of application layer industries”, and promote key core technology and core industry and core industryEquipment research, promoting technological research and development and results transformation, innovating consumer scenes and experience, extending the value chain and industrial chain of agricultural food, focusing on the development of high -growth industries with strong international differentiation, strategic related related related related related and clear commercial prospects, and strive to be in Pinggu DistrictConstruction has become a source and centers of achievement transformation of agricultural food synthetic biological innovation representatives representing Beijing, leading the country, and global influence, and fully cultivated high -end biological manufacturing clusters.
Strengthen urban coordination in terms of policy, and on the basis of several measures in Beijing’s synthetic biological manufacturing, the “Ten Measures of Beijing’s Top Ten Measures on Accelerating the Construction of Agricultural Zhongguancun” are used to provide comprehensive aspects of comprehensive biological manufacturing talents and policy support., Nanny service.
Innovate the application of scenarios, encourage relevant units to strengthen cooperation, establish production consortiums, cooperate with product performance test evaluation, and support independent innovative products that realize industrialized applications for the first time in accordance with regulations.
Strengthen linkage in regional collaboration, and carry out agricultural food synthetic biological manufacturing professional parks with Tianjin, Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other areas cooperation and upstream and downstream industrial chains.Industry collaboration.
Five major projects unveiled
After early cultivation, Pinggu District has brought together many industry leading enterprises such as Poly Group, Zhengda Group, Shounong Group, Beida Desert Group, New Hope Group, and Huada Gene, as well as innovationEnterprises, industrial potential energy agglomeration, and innovative resources.
Beijing Agricultural Food Synthetic Biological Innovation Incubator, Beijing Biological Manufacturing Food Risk Evaluation and Compliance Guarantee Communist Technology Platform, China-Singapore Dairy Sustainable Development Joint Research Center, Synbio-AI biological system design tool platform, Beijing synthetic biological concept verification acceleration campThe key projects were officially unveiled at the conference.
Beijing Agricultural Food Synthetic Biological Innovation Incubator will create a synthetic biological pilot zone integrating R & D, testing, verification, incubation, industrialization and other functions to support the high -quality development of the agricultural food industry in the future.
Beijing biological manufacturing food risk assessment and compliance guarantee common technical platforms, focusing on my country’s technical and regulations facing the technical regulations facing biological manufacturing food research and development innovation and industrialization, are committed to creating quality control and standards, risk monitoring and evaluation, and synthetic biological safety evaluations The industrialization guarantee platform that integrates the research and services of function and toxicology evaluation will promote the innovation and transformation of biological manufacturing food raw materials, give play to the leading role of standards for the industry, and support the formation of new productive production of biological manufacturing food.
The China -Singapore Dairy Sustainable Development Joint Research Center was established with the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement with the Chinese Food Institute and the Heng Natural Greater China.The application of sustainable development concepts, etc., contributes to the development of the dairy industry in China and New Zealand.
Synbio-AI Biological System Design Tool Platform is made up by the Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry and Forestry and Forestry and Foreign and Forestry.The frontier technical advantages, realize the new type of regulatory element of intelligent ultra -high -throughput mining design, AI guidance to create high -performance enzyme components, AI auxiliary enzymes fixed to evolution to evolution, intelligent construction of high -efficiency production chassis cells and other key core technologies to break through, Experimental automation, precision prediction, data standardization.
The Beijing Synthetic Biological Concept Verification Acceleration Camp was jointly launched by Pinggu District and the global well -known accelerator Plug and Play.Accelerate camps will focus on key tracks such as food, health, agriculture, etc., recruit hundreds of synthetic biotechnology companies worldwide, select 30 outstanding projects to enter the camp, and promote head demand enterprises and technology startups to carry out open innovation cooperation to help Pinggu DistrictGathering the innovative resources of the biological industry to achieve the innovation acceleration of the future industry industry and the innovation and upgrading of traditional dominant industries.At present, head companies such as Bishe, South Korea’s Higherie Group, Xianzhengda, Buller Group, and Jiuding Weiye Group have officially entered the camp, and they have released their needs and open cooperation in Pinggu to global synthetic biotechnology companies.
8 cooperation site signing
As an important achievement of this conference, the conference held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony.
The Beijing Agricultural Food Synthesis Biological Innovation Center signed a strategic cooperation agreement with four scientific research institutions and leading enterprises with four scientific research institutions and leading enterprises of the Institute of Synthetic Biological Frontier Research of Tianjin University, the Shenzhen Advanced Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Mengniu Group, and Yuanyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
The People’s Government of Pinggu District signed a strategic cooperation with Nuohe Xinyuan Group, Beijing Zaochen Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and Inseap Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Research and advanced technology conducts in -depth cooperation.
The Beijing Pinggu National Agricultural Science and Technology Park Management Committee signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Management Commission of the Kaimusi National Agricultural High -tech Industrial Demonstration Zone of Jiamusi, Heilongjiang, and will conspire the construction of science and technology agriculture, green agriculture, quality agriculture, and brand agriculture.
In the afternoon of the same day, the same period of the biological manufacturing, industry, industry, research seminar was held, and the Heping Valley Synthetic Biological Manufacturing Government and Enterprise Exchange Conference was held.Risk assessment and compliance guarantee common technology platforms.(over)