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CITIC Bank plans to issue 30 billion yuan permanent debt -renewal commercial bank’s capital adequacy ratio still attracted attention

K Figure 601998_0

K Figure 00998_0

  The shares announced on April 19 that it was planned to issue a fixed -term capital bond in 2024 (the first phase). The basic issuance scale of the current bonds was RMB 30 billion, and the first day of the issuance was April 24.The issuer of the issuer has the conditions for redemption of the issuer of the issuer in this issue.After 5 years from the date of issuance, the issuer has the right to redeem the current bonds at all or at the fifth year after the issuance of the issuance (including the 5th year after the issuance date).

  It is worth noting that the stock price of A shares has recently risen. It closed on April 17 with a daily limit. It rose 9.08%on April 18, but it fell 8.32%on April 19.

  The performance of 2023 disclosed earlier,In 2023, the operating income was 205.896 billion yuan, a decrease of 2.6%from the previous year; the net profit attributable to the mother was 67.016 billion yuan, an increase of 7.91%over the previous year.As of the end of last year, the bank’s total assets reached 9052.484 billion yuan, an increase of 5.91%over the end of the previous year.Among them, the total amount of loans and cushions was 549.8344 billion yuan, an increase of 6.71%over the end of the previous year.

  fromFrom the perspective of the industry, since this year, a number of business has been issued by the issuance of “two -permanent debt” (the collective name of the second -level capital debt and perpetual debt).

  According to incomplete statistics from Xinhua Finance, as of April 18, 9 commercials have issued 407 billion yuan in “Erdong Bonds” in the interbank bond market during the year, an increase of 55.8%year -on -year.Among them, the secondary capital bond was 314 billion yuan, accounting for 77.1%; perpetual debt 93 billion yuan, accounting for 22.9%.