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Healthy China Volunteer Service is fully launched

  On March 21, the theme of the Healthy China Volunteer Service was held, and the Healthy China Volunteer Service was fully launched.Wang Yongjin, deputy secretary -general of the Health China Observation Magazine, executive deputy secretary -general of the Health China Research Center, Wang Yongjin, captain of the Health China Volunteer Service Corps of the China Volunteer Association, Zhou Fuzhang, director of the Health China Observing the President of the Magazine, the Director of the Health China Volunteer Service Corps of the Chinese Volunteer Association, represented health.China Research Center and the New Era Health Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. jointly open up health China volunteer services.All sectors of society have gathered together, focusing on health issues, and drawing a blueprint for the future.


  Under the witness of more than 1,300 health practitioners in the audience, the new era Health Industry Group joined the Health China Volunteer Service Corps, established a health China Volunteer Service Training Base, and became a pioneer for health China.


  ▲ Wang Yongjin, deputy president of Health China Observer, delivered a keynote speech

  In his speech, Wang Yongjin said that implementing the “Healthy China” strategy is a strategic task related to the overall construction of my country’s modern construction and the inherent requirements to ensure that the people enjoy a happy and healthy life.The health of the whole people is the fundamental purpose of building a healthy China. Building and sharing is the basic path to build a healthy China.Everyone’s development of a healthy industry is a great cause, a practitioner of healthy China, and a beneficiary of healthy China.

  He hopes that everyone will use the health China construction service platform, walk into the health China observation room, tell the stories of healthy Chinese, and share the experience of health China.


  ▲ Zhou Fuzhang, Director of the Health China Volunteer Service Corps of the Chinese Volunteer Association, read the official approval

  Zhou Fuzhang reads the official approval of the new era Health Industry Group to join the “Healthy China Volunteer Service Corps” and the establishment of a “Healthy China Volunteer Service Training Base”.


  ▲ Vice President Wang granting a book with Zhang Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the New Era Health Industry Group, awarded the book “China Volunteer Association Health China Volunteer Service Corps”


  ▲ Vice President Wang awarded the banner of “China Volunteer Association Health China Volunteer Service Corps” to President Zhang


  ▲ Vice President Wang awarded the “Honorary Plates of Healthy China Volunteer Service Real Training Base” to the deputy general manager of the new era of health industry group


  ▲ In the new era of Healthy China Volunteer Representatives to read the “Declaration of Healthy China Volunteer Service” together

  The representatives of health China came to power together to read the “Healthy China Volunteer Service Declaration”, showing the determination and confidence of supporting the construction of “healthy China” and serving the “Healthy China” action.


  ▲ Chairman Feng Yuke delivered a speech

  Feng Yuke, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China New Era Holdings Group Co., Ltd., chairman of the New Era Health Industry Group, said that the new era Health Industry Group, as a state -owned enterprise with a military background, inherited the bloodline genes of responsibilities and dedication.The ambition of ambitions has carried the banner of “developing national industries and benefiting human health”, and closely linked its responsibility with the development of the country, the revitalization of the nation, and the health of human beings.He believes that the new era health industry group is a pilot enterprise of “Double Hundred Actions of State -owned Enterprise Reform” launched by the Party Central and State Council. In the future, the company will continue to spare no effort to support the implementation of the national strategy of health China!


  ▲ General Manager Zhang Hong made a speech

  In the new era, Zhang Hong, secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the Health Industry Group, mentioned in his speech that the company is currently in a favorable environment that promotes the quality and expansion of the consumer market. Both residents’ health awareness and health consumption capacity have been improved, and they have covered the whole age.The health management services launched by the Health Industry Group in the new era are an important part of the silver -haired economy industry chain, and the market space is very broad.As a company with a mature and perfect operating model and establishing a complete health management service closed -loop, the company has leading advantages. In the future, the responsibility of the central enterprise will be brave.The concept of health continues to provide high -quality health services and products for the public, and be a firm practitioner of the “Healthy China” national strategy.


  ▲ Deputy General Manager Yang Shaohua made a national market work report

  Yang Shaohua, deputy general manager of the new era health industry group, said that in 2024, the company will still unswervingly implement the general idea of “doing special health management, strengthening franchise franchise, and big health industry”, and comprehensively build the development of the company and the development of health undertakingsNew productive productivity, dedicated to serving healthy China strategy, and strive to achieve a new cycle of rapid growth in the rapid growth of health business vitality and service consumer population.

  Entering the community of Healthy China Volunteer Service is the basic work of the company throughout the year. Health consultants and community stations are the forefront of integration into the community.He hopes that everyone is close to customers, in -depth communities, actively participate in and organize consumer service activities, comprehensively improve professional skills, systematically understand the health management of Xinshi Youpin, actively act, and let Xinshi Youpin Health Management Services enter the Motherland of the Motherland., Benefit more people.