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Nine things that are most healthy, many people love to do it!Don’t consume yourself from today

More and more people are starting to pay attention to health. This is a good thing, but many people don’t know. The following 9 things are very healthy!Starting today, you must pay attention!
1. Do not exercise for a long time, suddenly strenuous exercise
The weather is warmer, and many people have begun to participate in various sports, but reminding people who do not exercise for a long time must not exercise suddenly.No matter what exercise, you must step by step, and at the same time, warm up before exercise.
Professor Qiu Guangxin, a professor at the Department of Body Sciences of Hebei Institute of Physical Education, said that if he did not do warm -up exercise, he suddenly increased the amount of exercise and the heart would not be able to stand it.Warm up before exercise is to let the heart and various organs have a process of acceptance and preparation. No matter how healthy your body is, this link must not be less.①
Similarly, do a “cold exercise” after exercise. Through jogging, walking, stretching, etc., you gradually slow down the movement.②
Exercise should be gradual and regular.Xu Shunlin, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of the Third Hospital of Peking University, stated in the Health Newspaper that exercise must keep in mind “1357”.Exercise at least once a day, not less than 30 minutes each time, not less than 5 days per week, and the maximum heart rate during exercise does not exceed “170 minus your age”.For example, a 70 -year -old person does not exceed 100/minute heartbeat per minute after exercise.③
Health Times
Second, unreasonable food and diet, overeating
Many people’s dining tables are often large fish and meat, and the diet structure is unreasonable. In addition, some people have the habit of overeating, which will increase the burden on the body, cause obesity, accelerate aging, and more likely increase the risk of chronic diseases.
You must pay attention to diet, especially large fish and meat foods, which are too greasy and difficult to digest.Eat as much as possible for sweet food and heavy taste.Avoid mouth is to make your health more quality.④
Third, do n’t eat anything when you start losing weight at all
Jie Jiehua, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, Yangzhou First People’s Hospital in Jiangsu Province, stated in the Health of the People’s Daily that if there are bad eating habits such as excessive diet, partial eclipse, picky eaters, or lack of diversified nutrients in the diet, it will also affectImmune Function.
Because the human body needs a variety of nutrients to operate normally, if a certain nutrients are lacking, the function of the immune system will decrease.For example, lack of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and iron deficiency that may weaken the normal operation of the immune system.⑤
Fourth, the diet is not on time and irregular sleep
The regular diet and sleep are important for physical health. Timing fixed -point meal is critical to the gastrointestinal and digestive system. The regular dwellings are beneficial to multiple organs such as the brain.
Many people do not eat for meals, but eat when they think of it, or do n’t eat it as soon as they are busy, or eat snacks as meals. There is no regular.This can easily lead to the poor proportion of digestive enzymes in the digestive tract and food, affecting digestion and absorption efficiency.⑥
Similarly, many people need to adjust the chaotic schedule and establish regular sleep habits.Go to bed and get up at a fixed time every day.If a nap is needed during the day, it should be controlled within 20-30 minutes.
Five, stare at mobile phones and computer screens for a long time
Many people often look down on mobile phones and computers for a long time. This is a great harm to the cervical spine and causes damage to vision.Therefore, we must control the time of using electronic equipment reasonably, and don’t be overly obsessed.
Zhang Fengqi, chief physician of the Foot Surgery of the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, once stated in the Health Newspaper that some people use electronic equipment for a long time, and the bone hyperplasia of the skull pillow is serious.The department brings pain.⑦
Playing mobile phones in bed for a long time can easily cause ear stones. When you get up or lie down, you will suddenly feel spinning and dizziness.I often stare at mobile phones, which is more likely to suffer from flying mosquitoes. The small black shadow drifting back and forth in front of me, especially the bright background is more obvious.
6. Long -term smoking and excessive drinking
As we all know, smoking and drinking are “harmless” for health, preferably away!However, some people take antihypertensive drugs and hypoglycemic drugs while participating in various wine bureaus and smoke.
In their concepts, although there are “three highs”, they think that “it is a slow disease, it doesn’t matter.”In fact, while medication, good living habits are equally important to maintain health.
Seven, anxiety love to lose temper, emotional instability
Maintaining the peace and stability of emotions is not only conducive to your interpersonal relationship, but also more vital to health.
The ups and downs of emotions will affect the health of the heart.Liu Meilin, chief physician of the Department of Elderly Medicine of the First Hospital of Peking University, reminded it in the Health Times that insomnia, depression, anxiety, and temper, but don’t underestimate these “heart disease”, they will turn to heart disease.
Mental stress and bad living habits can lead to increased blood pressure, increase cardiac risks, and increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease.Keep your emotional stability as much as possible, which is very good for health.
8. Long -term high -intensity work and large pressure
Huang Jinyu, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, Hangzhou First People’s Hospital, Zhejiang, once stated in the Health Times that high pressure and high -intensity work and when staying up late often, the human biological clock may be disrupted, and the sympathetic nerves are in a state of excitement for a long time, resulting in the excess of the body.Multiple adrenaline and norepinephrine are secreted, which leads to blood vessel contraction, blood pressure and blood sugar increase, and accelerate atherosclerosis processes.Bleak
Nine, excessive cleaning and even a bit small cleanliness
It is a good thing to talk about hygiene alone, but excessive cleaning and even cleanliness may cause disease.
Yin Jia, director of the Department of Perverted Hospital of Beijing Union Hospital, said in the Chinese scientific newspapers that the changes in lifestyle brought about by modernization have become an important reason for the significant increase in the incidence of allergic diseases in my country.In particular, some people with cleanliness are very frequent with shampoo and shower gel. Even if they do not have allergies, their offspring will easily suffer from allergic diseases.
It should be closer to nature, sunshine, farm environment, etc. from childhood to reduce frequent use of detergent and protect the human body’s epithelial barrier.Bleak
From today, pay attention to physical health!Don’t consume yourself, don’t pay for everything again!
This article is comprehensive from:
①2016-03-03 Hebei News Network “Why is the exercise dead?”——In Experts Reveal the Truth of Sudden Death “
②2019-03-15 Health Times “Do a” cold exercise “after exercise”
③2015-12-28 Health Times “Anti-aging must strengthen cardiopulmonary function”
④2023-03-16 People’s Daily Health Number “Doctor Dr. Du Du” “Performance of 50 Entering the” critical period “of nursing life, what should we do?Doctor: Bad habits hurry up and change “
⑤2023-07-27 People’s Daily Health Number “Digestive Division Doctor” “People who like to eat like this are usually not good for immunity, 5 habits can be changed”
⑥2023-11-09 Health Times “One person is indigestion every 5 people!Improving indigestion, this is critical “”
⑦2019-08-16 Health Times “Playing a mobile phone in a low head can cause bone mutation”
⑧2015-12-22 Health Times “Pressure to increase women’s heart risk”
-12016-10-11 Health Times “Myocardial Farmer has” the root of “porridge”
-12023-09-18 The Journal of China Sciences “Autumn Flower Allergies are more serious!Expert: Let’s let go
Source: Health Times