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"Sports Zhejiang · Gongfu Island" Zhejiang Province’s 4th Ocean Games opened in Shengsi, Zhejiang Province

Tide News Client Reporter Gao Huasheng

On May 18, the 4th Ocean Games in Zhejiang Province officially opened in Shengsi County, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province.

The Fourth Ocean Games of Zhejiang Province is hosted by Zhejiang Sports Bureau, Zhoushan Municipal People’s Government, Zhejiang Ocean Economic Development Department, and hosted by the Zhoushan Culture, Radio, Television Tourism and Sports Bureau, and Shengsi County People’s Government.The theme of this provincial Marine Games is “Sports Zhejiang · Gong Fu Island”, spreading the sports concept of “get close to the ocean, and enrich the United States”, fully demonstrates the ecological resources and cultural resources of the Shengsi Island, and accelerate the advancement of marine sports and marine culture and ocean.Tourism organically combined.

Guests attending the opening ceremony are: Ke Jixin, Deputy Governor of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province; Xu Renbiao, Mayor of the People’s Government of Zhoushan City; Shi Qinghong, Deputy Secretary -General of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province; Jin Zhi, Director of the Zhejiang Sports Bureau;Yang Shengjie; Zhang Wenbin, the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Zhejiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Zhu Qinan, deputy director of the Zhejiang Sports Bureau.

Yu Neng, the head of the Shengsi County People’s Government, presided over the opening.

Taking the sky as the curtain, the sea as the background, the golden sand as the stage, the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony of the long beach of the south of Shengsi is full of “sea flavor”.At 9 o’clock, the performance art performance “To Separate” started in the music. Dozens of seafarers waved their hands and played the words “waiting for departure”, showing the infinite vision and longing for the sea in Zhejiang people, and also revealed the theme of the opening ceremony — Yang Fan · Xiang Dahai.Immediately afterwards, 10 bicycles entered the stage along the stage. The countdown of the large screen showed that the audience shouted in unison.

At 9:11, against the background of the sailing boat, 15 representative teams composed of athletes entered the venue in turn and were warmly welcomed by the audience.A total of 6,474 athletes in the Maritime Games participated in the three major items and 60 small competitions in the three major categories of around the island, beach, and sea -related maritime from May 15th to June 16th.

With music, the honor soldiers guarded the national flag of the People’s Republic of China and walked into the scene, and the flag and the flag also entered the venue at the same time.The audience started to sing the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China.

Jin Zhi, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of Zhejiang Sports Bureau

At the opening ceremony, Jin Zhi, the secretary of the party group and director of the Zhejiang Provincial Sports Bureau, expressed a warm welcome to all athletes, coaches, referees and Quartet guests, and hoped that the concept of “everyone loves sports, healthy relying on sports” in this maritime will be furtherPropaganda and popularization, promote the high -quality development of sports, inject new impetus into Zhejiang’s high -level construction of modern sports strong provinces and strong competition provinces.

Xu Renbiao, Mayor of the People’s Government of Zhoushan City

Xu Renbiao, Mayor of the People’s Government of Zhoushan City, said that he will use the opportunity held by this maritime Games to promote exchanges and mutual learning with sports events, explore the new path of the coastal island to help the island, and hold this marine Games into “closeThe provincial event with the ocean and the United States “.

Athletes represent Luo Yu and referee representative Wang Zi.

Ke Jixin, Deputy Governor of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province

At 9:33, the deputy governor of the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, Kohisin, announced that the Fourth Ocean Games in Zhejiang Province was officially opened!The applause and cheers in the audience ended endlessly.

Qunfan performance “Yongli · Tide” kicked off the curtain of literary performances.The opening ceremony literary performance is divided into three chapters of the upper, middle, and lower, and the theme element of “sailing” runs through the audience.In the last article “Hello Island”, in the audio and painting show “The His Hometown”, the dancer interpreted the attachment of the fisherman’s life and the fishermen’s attachment to the island in the children’s chorus.Qu’s majestic sea praise; in the “Road of the Communist Party”, the scene song and dance show “Shengsi · Color” uses the lives of fishermen as the stage, vividly demonstrated the island’s local customs and the booming marine economy; the next article “In the sea “, all the actors are playing, and they are the same as the spirit of sports and the spirit of sports in affection, and resonate with the spirit of the lighthouse.The wonderful performance deeply moved the audience.

With the theme song “Yang Fan · Xianghai” sounded, all actors sang the tickets together, which means that they can set sail towards “Sports Zhejiang · Communist Party Island” and spread the sports concept of “get close to the ocean, rich and Communist beauty”.The atmosphere also pushed to a climax.

At the end of the opening ceremony, in 2001, the “Asia First Man” Chinese Explorer Sun Haibin and his partner Denmark Explorer Christian Havrehed, who had completed the feat of the Atlantic Ocean in 2001, appeared at the scene, which brightened the “small model symbolizing hope in the venue.”Lighthouse” convey the meaning of lit a beautiful life.

In addition to the performance, the on -site layout of the opening ceremony is also very marine.The wave -shaped dragon horn, rolled cloud -like eyebrows, the mascot “Babe” came from the waves.As the head of the “Four Sea Dragon King”, the East China Sea Dragon King, its myths and legends are widely circulated in the people. The mascot inspired by this, perfectly reflecting the local characteristics of the East China Sea and Shengsi Islands.The deep and quiet marine blue fusion lively and dynamic waves, and the emblem of the Maritime Games can also be seen everywhere at the scene.The overall image of the emblem uses the “four” of cursive style.

Factors such as the unique shoreline beaches, the stars and the islands of the stars, and the pleasant environment of the blue and blue water, which allows Zhoushan to carry out the unique conditions of marine sports.In recent years, a number of international and national water Shanghai events have landed in Zhoushan.Getting stronger and stronger.Relying on the Maritime Games, Zhoushan has become a pre -trial place for the “one -person, multi -person travel, a single -day competition, staying for many days, one -person competition, multi -person consumption” sports tourism model, and strive to build the destination of the Chinese marine movement.

After the opening ceremony, various events will be carried out in an orderly manner. Shengsi will welcomes visitors in all directions with grand fireworks that night, and a common -beauty painting volume that integrates marine culture, marine sports, and marine tourism is slowly opening.It is reported that during this Maritime Games, Shengsi County will also hold supporting cultural tourism activities such as the “Confession of the Sea” band, the performance of the national tide magic acrobatics, and the “East Sea Ballad” cultural elegance.(The picture is provided by the organizer)