Posted inEnvironment

The garbage classification starts with the residents, and uses action to create a better environment

Elephant News reporter Xia Ping

In order to classify the garbage into every corner of life and root in everyone’s hearts, on June 27, under the guidance of the Huiji District Urban Management Bureau in Zhengzhou,Urban operation companies carry out garbage classification promotion activities in Lefei Community.

The theme of this activity is “Doing a good classification and turning waste into treasure”, so that community residents actively participate in the operation of garbage classification, actively cooperate to achieve reasonable and standardized garbage classification, and reduce unreasonable garbage occupation of land occupation to land occupation to land., Reduce environmental pollution and turn waste into wealth.In the form of a leaflet, the staff allows residents to understand the benefits of garbage classification in the explanation, understand the logo of garbage classification, and simulate the form of cards to allow residents to try to classify garbage.

Through publicity and practical activities, residents can understand the importance and necessity of garbage classification more deeply.The classification of garbage starts from residents and uses action to create a better living environment.