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U.S. Army: Yemen rebels Red Sea Fitzon missile Chinese oil tanker attacked

The “Youth Movement” of the Yemen rebels continues to expand its attack on the Red Sea Shipping.

Agence France -Presse reported that the Central Command of the United States today issued a statement on the social media platform X, stating that the Huangpu issued a signing signal for help, but did not request support.

The Central Command stated that “the casualties were not reported, and the ship had resumed sailing.”

The US Central Command and the British Maritime Trade Action Office (Ukmto) said that the Huangpu ship was on fire and was fortunate to be extinguished in 30 minutes.

The Central Command said that the “Youth Movement” launched 4 anti -ship ballistic missiles near the Huangpu of the Red Sea, and then hit the Huangpu fifth.

This statement says: “The Youth Movement attacked the Huangpu, even if they had previously claimed that they would not attack Chinese ships.”